Babies Without Shell Chief "Defeat" verdict Doctor 

Born without most of the cranium and brain, doctors sentenced Buell Jaxon could only survive for a few weeks. However, thanks to the affection of his parents, infant pairs Brandon and Brittany Buell Buell has celebrated its first anniversary in August.
"The first time to monitor progress through ultrasound, the doctor gave us the choice, care or abortion. Therefore, there is the problem of the unknown," Brandon said as quoted by CNN.
Doctors do not tell exactly what is wrong with the content of Brittany condition. At that time, the couple asked if Jaxon pain or suffering? Then, if there is an additional risk for Brittany during pregnancy or during labor potentially fatal later?
The doctor replied "No" to both questions.
"So, never the slightest in mind to have an abortion," recalls Brandon.
Dated August 27, 2014, Jaxon was born normally. Healthy condition. However, the head just visible half of a normal baby. Jaxon mengalamimicrohydranencephaly or doctors diagnose severe brain malformations.
"The doctor said, he was just a few weeks, and there is no cure," revealed Brandon.
However, Brandon and Brittany choose to care for their children even if born in a state of disability. The consideration, there is no suffering to the mother during pregnancy, and Jaxon still capable of living outside the womb even though the condition of the head and brain is not complete.
"It is the only option we have. We have confidence that we will keep the womb until he was born," he said.
A Facebook page titled Jaxon support for "Jaxon Strong" has got 200,000 like. In GoFundMe page, Jason has received donations of nearly 100,000 US dollars to the cost of the family's monthly expenses, including medical care bills Jaxon.
The reason, Jaxon can not feed themselves and depend on feeding tubes for nutrition. However, according to Brandon, it's the only difference between her and most of the other children.
Currently, 13 months old weighing more than 12 pounds (6 kilograms sekitara). Brandon believes his son did not suffer anything. In fact, Jaxon develop like a normal baby in many ways. "How did he cry, she went to the bathroom, how he wants his dirty diaper changed immediately. Jaxon almost perfect," said Brandon proud.
Both parents knew Jaxon would require a miracle linked his future. Thanks to the confidence and affection of both her parents, Jaxon still remain alive and healthy until this sat.
"Today in which he showed no signs he will go anywhere. He was so loved, had a twinkle in his eyes, is able to realize a lot of things, very vigilant," said Brandon.


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